change. change. change.
changes are like the only constant things in this world, isn't it? you change, i change, we change, things change, earth change, relationships change, looks change, every single freaking thing changes, doesn't it? but we still try our best to fight against these changes, i wonder why? why is it that the more we resist change, the more drastic the changes always seem to become?
i know for a fact that i've changed over the years. some may say that i've become bitchier. some may say that i've my walls all up. some may say that i've become too offensive. some may say that i've become more defensive. but i would like to think i've grown up enough to fill the shoes of a quarter-centurian. i may not be the most matured 25-er out there but i would like to think i'm mature enough not to get involved in trivial matters. then of course, unfortunately, i'll be proven wrong time, and time again. trivia matters like "he/she hasn't called me since i was back so why should i?" will get me pouting for an entire day. something more serious? maybe the night as well. but usually, within a couple of days, i'm back, maybe with a little scar, but moving on.
that's when the lesson - in realising that we can't have control over everything and we'll never be anybody's priority but our own - was learnt. i can't control what they treat me as; i can control how i treat them. i can't control what events i'm invited to; i can control how i behave at the events i'm invited to. i can't control other peeps' emotions; i can control my own emotions whilst handling theirs. i can't control whether i'm in their priorities; i can control whether i'm my own priority and who's in my priorities.
we can't control changes; we can control how the changes affect us.
loving myself, my man, my laydees, my lovely friends and my family.