this post is potentially offensive to certain individuals and is definitely not meant for those under 16 years of age.
as some of you might know, i went on the contraceptive pill about 2 years ago as i was getting increasingly frustrated at my monthly cycle. it was irregular to the extent that i literally had to remember to bring the necessary items along with me at all times, in case it decided to pop up for a visit. what some of you might not know is that i've recently stopped it after much deliberation and doing further research on the medication, which convinced me that it's in my best interests to stop taking it.
so what happened next? well, without the pill, my monthly cycle became a nightmare again. i completely forgot about the fact that it was due until it went way over a week. when i finally did realise i was way overdue, i begin to curse and swear at myself for taking the damn pill in the first place, as i found out that upon stopping the pill, there's a potentiality that the monthly cycle might not return for 3-12 months. not that i mind but it would mean that a pack of tampon would have to follow me wherever i went and seriously, i'm not a big fan of that.
well, it did eventually show up at my door-step and at one of the most ridiculous timings - when i was asleep. i was relieved that i didn't have to wait up to 12 months for it to show up but at the same time, begin to wonder if i'm back to all the irregularities that i had prior to taking the pill. seriously, at that very point in time, i begin to feel the temptation of going back on the pill despite all the possible side-effects and what-nots.
i spoke to my man about it and he replied "what to do? your body is made up this way, just have to accept it". probably exasperated; probably a little grumpy, i told him over the phone, "if you want to have a child in the future, this irregularity may be an obstruction cos God knows when the hell my body decides to ovulate". but well, with my man, i couldn't really stay grumpy for long cos the next sentence he replied, basically, had me laughing in disbelief and, up till now, brought a smile to my grumpiness. he said "true. then i guess we will need daily practice when we are ready to have one. even when test kit comes back positive, also keep trying to make sure, until it's 100% confirmed." i replied, "won't you get sick and tired of it?" he actually replied something to the effect that, "probably will but if that's the only way, we just have to do it. and do it everyday".
my man. he sure has a solution to everything. :)
in less than 206 hours' time, i'll be holding your hands again.