1)Starting Time: 0320hrs
2)Name: Lee Yin Zhen, Clara
3)Nickname: lala
4)School: University of New South Wales
5)Email: those who need to know it, knows it.
6)Eyes: dark brown maybe?
7)Height: 161cm
8)Siblings: 2 sisters and 1 brother
9)Missed school: in more ways than one.
10)Raining: it's like God crying with me
11)Set any body part on fire for amusement: no.
12)Kept a secret from everyone: yes
13)Had an imaginary friend?: maybe?
14)Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes.
16)Ever liked a teacher? : no.
18)Prank called someone: not that i remember.
19)Been on stage: yes
20)Shampoo: VS in singapore; tresemme in sydney
22)Colours: blue, white, black and teal.
23)Day/Night: night
24)Online Smiley: :)
26)Cartoon Character: martin mystery
27)Like anyone now?: yes.
29)Who's the loudest: depends on the definition of loudest but i could easily top that chart.
30)Who's the shyest: not any that i can remember. most of them are sociable.
31)Who do you cry with: God
32)Been mean: yes.
33)Been sarcastic: yes.
34)Met someone new: i've been meeting new faces.
35)Talked to someone you had a crush on: i don't think it's a crush anymore.
36)Missed someone: yes
37)Hugged someone?: yes
39)Wished upon a star: i pray that he will love me like before.
40)Laughed until you cried: yes. a long time ago.
41)Watched a sunrise/sunset: yes. wish i can watch it with him before i head back down again.
42)Went to the beach at night?: yes
43)Are you happy?: i guess i am. we haven't argued and that's good. :)
-----DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------
45)God/Devil: i believe in God
47)The Big Bang Theory: it is just a theory.
48)Heaven/hell: both
49)Who named you?: My aunt/uncle.
50)When was the last time you showered: just.
51)What is right next to you: my SCV remote
52)What is your computer desk made of?: wood
53)What are e last 4 digits in your phone number: 6666
54)What are e first 4 digits in your phone number: i don't need prank calls
54)what was the last thing that you ate?: chilli tapoica
55)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: maldives or fiji
56)Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: only that one person - mervin but he seems determined not to.
57)How many buddies do you have on your list?: i don't know. 5?
58)How's the weather right now?: warm
59)Have you ever smoked pot? : no.
60)What did you do last night?: last night as in friday night or thursday night? friday night - ate at newton circus. thursday night - watched superman returns.
61)How do YOU eat an Oreo?: two big bites
62)Favorite grps of singers?: don't really have favorites. whatever soothes my ear.
63)Favorite food/food place? sushi. :)
64)Favorite movies?: loads. matrix trilogy is a definite.
65)Are you too shy to ask someone out?: no.
66)If you could change your name?: i wanted to but i had a huge scolding from someone and i don't wanna change it anymore.
67)Have you ever been in love?: yes
68)What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?: being insecure when he gave me so many chances and reassurances and losing him. now trying to win him back.
69)What will your first son's name be?: Christian
70)What will your first daughter's name be?: Charity
71)What's your favorite drink?: water
72)Do you like scary or happy movies: happy
73)On the phone or in person?: in person
74)Lust or Love?: love
75)do you consider cheerleading a sport?: yes
76)your favourite tv shows? loads. unsolved history is the top.
77)do you want your friends to do this survey? it's up to them.
78)Say something nice about the person who sent this: i love you jac. :)